Single Pulse Manipulations in Synthetic Time-frequency Space

Abstract in English

Synthetic dimensions in photonic structures provide unique opportunities for actively manipulating light in multiple degrees of freedom. Here, we theoretically explore a dispersive waveguide under the dynamic phase modulation that supports single pulse manipulations in the synthetic (2+1) dimensions. Compared with the counterpart of the conventional (2+1) space-time, we explore temporal diffraction and frequency conversion in a synthetic time-frequency space while the pulse evolves along the spatial dimension. By introducing the effective gauge potential well for photons in the synthetic time-frequency space with the control of the modulation phase, we show that a rich set of pulse propagation behaviors can be achieved, including confined pulse propagation, fast/slow light, and pulse compression. With the additional nonlinear oscillation subject to the effective force along the frequency axis of light, we provide an exotic approach for actively manipulating the single pulse in both temporal and spectral domains, which shows the great promise for applications of the pulse processing and optical communications in integrated photonics.
