Fermionic Quantum Circuits Reproduce Experimental Two-dimensional Many-body Localization Transition Point

Abstract in English

While many-body localization (MBL) is a well-established phenomenon in one-dimension, the fate of higher-dimensional strongly disordered systems in the infinite-time limit is a topic of current debate. The latest experiments as well as several recent numerical studies indicate that such systems behave many-body localized -- at least on practically relevant time scales. However, thus far, theoretical approaches have been unable to quantitatively reproduce experimentally measured MBL-to-thermal transition points, an important requirement to demonstrate their validity. Here, we develop a formalism to apply fermionic quantum circuits combined with automatic differentiation to simulate two-dimensional MBL systems realized in optical lattice experiments with fermions. Using entanglement-based features, we obtain a phase transition point in excellent agreement with the experimentally measured value. We argue that our approach best captures the underlying charge-density-wave experiments and calculate other quantities which can be compared to future experiments, such as the mean localization lengths.
