Predictive Theory of Neutrino Masses

Abstract in English

In our recent paper [1] we formulated a predictive theory of neutrino masses by considering the interaction between the infrared sector of the effective theory of quantum gravity and the standard model fields. This allowed us to calculate, for the first time in the history of neutrino physics, the absolute scale of neutrino masses. From this theoretical framework, we obtained quantum-gravitational couplings/effective Majorana dimensionless couplings from the spherically symmetric vacuum solutions arising from the Bose-Einstein statistical modification to gravitation. In the present paper, we show that the same solutions can be obtained directly from the quantum interpretation of gravitational radiation arising from the thermodynamic modification to gravitation. Within this theoretical scheme, we show that the single-field inflationary model, GUTs, dark energy and matter-independent gravitational field of vacuum are all connected to the neutrino mass model.
