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Nonexistence of a Universal Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problems in Constructive Mathematics

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 Added by Linglong Dai
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Authors Linglong Dai

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Proposed initially from a practical circumstance, the traveling salesman problem caught the attention of numerous economists, computer scientists, and mathematicians. These theorists were instead intrigued by seeking a systemic way to find the optimal route. Many attempts have been made along the way and all concluded the nonexistence of a general algorithm that determines optimal solution to all traveling salesman problems alike. In this study, we present proof for the nonexistence of such an algorithm for both asymmetric (with oriented roads) and symmetric (with unoriented roads) traveling salesman problems in the setup of constructive mathematics.

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Transportation networks frequently employ hub-and-spoke network architectures to route flows between many origin and destination pairs. Hub facilities work as switching points for flows in large networks. In this study, we deal with a problem, called the single allocation hub-and-spoke network design problem. In the problem, the goal is to allocate each non-hub node to exactly one of given hub nodes so as to minimize the total transportation cost. The problem is essentially equivalent to another combinatorial optimization problem, called the metric labeling problem. The metric labeling problem was first introduced by Kleinberg and Tardos in 2002, motivated by application to segmentation problems in computer vision and related areas. In this study, we deal with the case where the set of hubs forms a star, which arises especially in telecommunication networks. We propose a polynomial-time randomized approximation algorithm for the problem, whose approximation ratio is less than 5.281. Our algorithms solve a linear relaxation problem and apply dependent rounding procedures.
197 - Moustapha Diaby 2016
In this paper, we present a new linear programming (LP) formulation of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The proposed model has O(n^8) variables and O(n^7) constraints, where n is the number of cities. Our numerical experimentation shows that computational times for the proposed linear program are several orders of magnitude smaller than those for the existing model [3].
Quantum Computing is considered as the next frontier in computing, and it is attracting a lot of attention from the current scientific community. This kind of computation provides to researchers with a revolutionary paradigm for addressing complex optimization problems, offering a significant speed advantage and an efficient search ability. Anyway, Quantum Computing is still in an incipient stage of development. For this reason, present architectures show certain limitations, which have motivated the carrying out of this paper. In this paper, we introduce a novel solving scheme coined as hybrid Quantum Computing - Tabu Search Algorithm. Main pillars of operation of the proposed method are a greater control over the access to quantum resources, and a considerable reduction of non-profitable accesses. To assess the quality of our method, we have used 7 different Traveling Salesman Problem instances as benchmarking set. The obtained outcomes support the preliminary conclusion that our algorithm is an approach which offers promising results for solving partitioning problems while it drastically reduces the access to quantum computing resources. We also contribute to the field of Transfer Optimization by developing an evolutionary multiform multitasking algorithm as initialization method.
158 - Russell OConnor 2010
Interactive theorem provers based on dependent type theory have the flexibility to support both constructive and classical reasoning. Constructive reasoning is supported natively by dependent type theory and classical reasoning is typically supported by adding additional non-constructive axioms. However, there is another perspective that views constructive logic as an extension of classical logic. This paper will illustrate how classical reasoning can be supported in a practical manner inside dependent type theory without additional axioms. We will see several examples of how classical results can be applied to constructive mathematics. Finally, we will see how to extend this perspective from logic to mathematics by representing classical function spaces using a weak value monad.
82 - Michael Shulman 2018
We show that numerous distinctive concepts of constructive mathematics arise automatically from an antithesis translation of affine logic into intuitionistic logic via a Chu/Dialectica construction. This includes apartness relations, complemented subsets, anti-subgroups and anti-ideals, strict and non-strict order pairs, cut-valued metrics, and apartness spaces. We also explain the constructive bifurcation of some classical concepts using the choice between multiplicative and additive affine connectives. Affine logic and the antithesis construction thus systematically constructivize classical definitions, handling the resulting bookkeeping automatically.
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