Thermodynamic properties of nodal superconductors near magnetic quantum critical point

Abstract in English

In this work we study thermodynamic manifestations of the quantum criticality in multiband unconventional superconductors. As a guiding example we consider the scenario of magnetic quantum critical point in the model that captures superconductivity coexistence with the spin-density wave. We show that in situations when superconducting order parameter has incidental nodes at isolated points, quantum magnetic fluctuations lead to the renormalization of the relative $T$-linear slope of the London penetration depth. This leads to the nonmonotonic dependence of the penetration depth as a function of doping and the concomitant peak structure across the quantum critical point. In addition, we determine contribution of magnetic fluctuations to the specific heat at the onset of coexistence phase. Our theoretical analysis is corroborated by making a comparison of our results with the recent experimental data from the low-temperature thermodynamic measurements at optimal composition in BaFe$_2$(As$_{1-x}$P$_x$)$_2$.
