Cycles on a multiset with only even-odd drops

Abstract in English

For a finite subset $A$ of $mathbb{Z}_{>0}$, Lazar and Wachs (2019) conjectured that the number of cycles on $A$ with only even-odd drops is equal to the number of D-cycles on $A$. In this note, we introduce cycles on a multiset with only even-odd drops and prove bijectively a multiset version of their conjecture. As a consequence, the number of cycles on $[2n]$ with only even-odd drops equals the Genocchi number $g_n$. With Laguerre histories as an intermediate structure, we also construct a bijection between a class of permutations of length $2n-1$ known to be counted by $g_n$ invented by Dumont and the cycles on $[2n]$ with only even-odd drops.
