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Impact of Acceleration/deceleration Limits on the String Stability of Adaptive Cruise Control

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 Added by Hao Zhou
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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This paper demonstrates that the acceleration/deceleration limits in ACC systems can make a string stable ACC amplify the speed perturbation in natural driving. It is shown that the constrained acceleration/deceleration of the following ACCs are likely to cause speed overshoot to compensate for an extra large/small spacing. Additionally, we find that the constrained deceleration limits can also jeopardize safety, as the limited braking power produces extra small spacing or even crashes. The findings are validated through experiments on real cars. The paper suggests that the ACC parameter space should be extended to include the acceleration/deceleration limits considering their significant role exposed here. Through numerical simulations of ACC platoons, we show i) a marginal string stable ACC is preferable due to the smaller total queue length and the shorter duration in congestion; ii) congestion waves in a mixed ACC platoon largely depend on the sequence of vehicles provided different acceleration/deceleration limits, and iii) the safety hazard caused by the constrained deceleration limits is more significant in mixed ACC platoons when string unstable ACCs exist.

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177 - Hao Zhou , Anye Zhou , Tienan Li 2021
Current commercial adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems consist of an upper-level planner controller that decides the optimal trajectory that should be followed, and a low-level controller in charge of sending the gas/brake signals to the mechanical system to actually move the vehicle. We find that the low-level controller has a significant impact on the string stability (SS) even if the planner is string stable: (i) a slow controller deteriorates the SS, (ii) slow controllers are common as they arise from insufficient control gains, from a weak gas/brake system or both, and (iii) the integral term in a slow controller causes undesired overshooting which affects the SS. Accordingly, we suggest tuning up the proportional/feedforward gain and ensuring the gas/brake is not weak. The study results are validated both numerically and empirically with data from commercial cars.
105 - Tienan Li , Danjue Chen , Hao Zhou 2021
Experimental measurements on commercial adaptive cruise control (ACC) vehicles is becoming increasingly available from around the world, providing an unprecedented opportunity to study the traffic flow characteristics that arise from this technology. This paper adds new experimental evidence to this knowledge base and presents a comprehensive empirical study on the ACC equilibrium behaviors via the resulting fundamental diagrams. We find that like human-driven vehicles, ACC systems display a linear speed-spacing relationship (within the range of available data) but the key parameters of these relationships can differ significantly from human-driven traffic depending on input settings: At the minimum headway setting, capacities in excess of 3500 vehicles per hour are observed, together with an extremely fast congested wave speed of 50 miles per hour on average. These fast waves are unfamiliar to human drivers, and may or may not pose a safety risk. We also find that ACC jam spacing is much larger than in human traffic, which reduces the network storage capacity. Our findings suggest that future research directions should include ACC in very low speed and complete stop conditions and also the responses of human-drivers to ACC.
This paper investigates the accuracy and robustness of car-following (CF) and adaptive cruise control (ACC) models used to simulate measured driving behaviour of commercial ACCs. To this aim, a general modelling framework is proposed, in which ACC and CF models have been incrementally augmented with physics extensions; namely, perception delay, linear or nonlinear vehicle dynamics, and acceleration constraints. The framework has been applied to the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM), the Gipps model, and to three basic ACCs. These are a linear controller coupled with a constant time-headway spacing policy and with two other policies derived from the traffic flow theory, which are the IDM desired-distance function and the Gipps equilibrium distance-speed function. The ninety models resulting from the combination of the five base models and the aforementioned physics extensions, have been assessed and compared through a vast calibration and validation experiment against measured trajectory data of low-level automated vehicles. When a single extension has been applied, perception delay and linear dynamics have been the extensions to mostly increase modelling accuracy, whatsoever the base model considered. Concerning models, Gipps-based ones have outperformed all other CF and ACC models in calibration. Even among ACCs, the linear controllers coupled with a Gipps spacing policy have been the best performing. On the other hand, IDM-based models have been by far the most robust in validation, showing almost no crash when calibrated parameters have been used to simulate different trajectories. Overall, the paper shows the importance of cross-fertilization between traffic flow and vehicle studies.
We propose a learning-based, distributionally robust model predictive control approach towards the design of adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems. We model the preceding vehicle as an autonomous stochastic system, using a hybrid model with continuous dynamics and discrete, Markovian inputs. We estimate the (unknown) transition probabilities of this model empirically using observed mode transitions and simultaneously determine sets of probability vectors (ambiguity sets) around these estimates, that contain the true transition probabilities with high confidence. We then solve a risk-averse optimal control problem that assumes the worst-case distributions in these sets. We furthermore derive a robust terminal constraint set and use it to establish recursive feasibility of the resulting MPC scheme. We validate the theoretical results and demonstrate desirable properties of the scheme through closed-loop simulations.
This paper is about obtaining stable vehicle platooning by using Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control when the communication is unreliable and suffers from message losses. We model communication losses as independent random events and we propose an original design for the cooperative controller, which mitigates the effect of losses. This objective is obtained by a switching controller that has a twofold objective: on the one hand, it promotes both plant stability and string stability of the average error dynamics by an $H_infty$ approach, and on the other hand it minimizes the variance around the average. We show by simulations that the proposed controller is able to compensate even for high probability of losses.
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