Yu-Shiba-Rusinov multiplets and clusters of multiorbital adatoms in superconducting substrates: Subgap Greens function approach

Abstract in English

We discuss all the characteristics of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states for clusters of impurities with classical magnetic moments in a superconducting substrate with s-wave symmetry. We consider the effect of the multiorbital structure of the impurities and the effect of the crystal field splitting. We solve the problem exactly and calculate the subgap Greens function, which has poles at the energies of the Shiba states and defines the local density of states associated to their wave functions. For the case of impurities sufficiently separated, we derive an effective Hamiltonian to describe the hybridization mediated by the substrate. We analyze the main features of the spectrum and the spectral density of the subgap excitations for impurities in dimer configurations with different relative orientations of the magnetic moments. We also illustrate how the same formalism applies for the solution of a trimer with frustration in the orientation of the magnetic moments.
