Statistical Generalization of Regenerative Bosonic and Fermionic Stirling Cycles

Abstract in English

We have constructed an unified framework for generalizing the finite-time thermodynamic behavior of statistically distinct bosonic and fermionic Stirling cycles with regenerative characteristics. In our formalism, working fluid consisting of particles obeying Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics are treated under equal footing and modelled as a collection of non-interacting harmonic and fermionic oscillators. In terms of frequency and population of the two oscillators, we have provided an interesting generalization for the definitions of heat and work that are valid for classical as well as non-classical working fluids. Based on a generic setting under finite time relaxation dynamics, novel results on low and high temperature heat transfer rates are derived. Characterized by equal power, efficiency, entropy production, cycle time and coefficient of performance, thermodynamic equivalence between two types of Stirling cycles is established in the low temperature ``quantum regime.
