Pro-UIGAN: Progressive Face Hallucination from Occluded Thumbnails

Abstract in English

In this paper, we study the task of hallucinating an authentic high-resolution (HR) face from an occluded thumbnail. We propose a multi-stage Progressive Upsampling and Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network, dubbed Pro-UIGAN, which exploits facial geometry priors to replenish and upsample (8*) the occluded and tiny faces (16*16 pixels). Pro-UIGAN iteratively (1) estimates facial geometry priors for low-resolution (LR) faces and (2) acquires non-occluded HR face images under the guidance of the estimated priors. Our multi-stage hallucination network super-resolves and inpaints occluded LR faces in a coarse-to-fine manner, thus reducing unwanted blurriness and artifacts significantly. Specifically, we design a novel cross-modal transformer module for facial priors estimation, in which an input face and its landmark features are formulated as queries and keys, respectively. Such a design encourages joint feature learning across the input facial and landmark features, and deep feature correspondences will be discovered by attention. Thus, facial appearance features and facial geometry priors are learned in a mutual promotion manner. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our Pro-UIGAN achieves visually pleasing HR faces, reaching superior performance in downstream tasks, i.e., face alignment, face parsing, face recognition and expression classification, compared with other state-of-the-art (SotA) methods.
