HI angular momentum mass relation

Abstract in English

We study the relationship between the H{sc i} specific angular momentum (j$_{rm g}$) and the H{sc i} mass (M$_{rm g}$) for a sample of galaxies with well measured H{sc i} rotation curves. We find that the relation is well described by an unbroken power law jg $propto$ mg$^{alpha}$ over the entire mass range (10$^{7}$-10$^{10.5}$ M$_{odot}$), with $alpha = 0.89 pm 0.05$ (scatter 0.18 dex). This is in reasonable agreement with models which assume that evolutionary processes maintain H{sc i} disks in a marginally stable state. The slope we observe is also significantly different from both the $j propto M^{2/3}$ relation expected for dark matter haloes from tidal torquing models and the observed slope of the specific angular momentum-mass relation for the stellar component of disk galaxies. Our sample includes two H{sc i}-bearing ultra diffuse galaxies, and we find that their angular momentum follows the same relation as other galaxies. The only discrepant galaxies in our sample are early-type galaxies with large rotating H{sc i} disks which are found to have significantly higher angular momentum than expected from the power law relation. The H{sc i} disks of all these early-type galaxies are misaligned or counter-rotating with respect to the stellar disks, consistent with the gas being recently accreted. We speculate that late stage wet mergers, as well as cold flows play a dominant role in determining the kinematics of the baryonic component of galaxies as suggested by recent numerical simulations.
