In this work, we study the strong decay of the newly observed $P_{cs}(4459)$ assuming that it is a pure $Xi_cbar{D}^{*}$ molecular state. Considering two possible spin-parity assignments $J^P=1/2^{-}$ and $J^P=3/2^{-}$ the partial decay widths of the $Xi_cbar{D}^{*}$ molecular state into $J/psi{}Lambda$, $D_s^{-}Lambda_c^{+}$, and $DXi_c^{()}$ final states through hadronic loops are evaluated with the help of the effective Lagrangians. In comparison with the LHCb data, the spin-party $J^P=1/2^{-}$ the assignment is preferred while this of $J^P=3/2^{-}$ is disfavored. The $P_{cs}(4459)$ in spin-parity $J^P=3/2^{-}$ case maybe explained as $S$-wave coupled bound state with lager $Xi_cbar{D}^{*}$ component. In addition, the calculated partial decay widths with $J^P=1/2^{-}$ $Xi_cbar{D}^{*}$ molecular state picture indicates that allowed decay mode, $DXi_c^{}$, may have the biggest branching ratio. The experimental measurements for this strong decay process could be a crucial test for the molecule interpretation of the $P_{cs}(4459)$.