CycleGAN-based Non-parallel Speech Enhancement with an Adaptive Attention-in-attention Mechanism

Abstract in English

Non-parallel training is a difficult but essential task for DNN-based speech enhancement methods, for the lack of adequate noisy and paired clean speech corpus in many real scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive attention-in-attention CycleGAN (AIA-CycleGAN) for non-parallel speech enhancement. In previous CycleGAN-based non-parallel speech enhancement methods, the limited mapping ability of the generator may cause performance degradation and insufficient feature learning. To alleviate this degradation, we propose an integration of adaptive time-frequency attention (ATFA) and adaptive hierarchical attention (AHA) to form an attention-in-attention (AIA) module for more flexible feature learning during the mapping procedure. More specifically, ATFA can capture the long-range temporal-spectral contextual information for more effective feature representations, while AHA can flexibly aggregate different AFTAs intermediate output feature maps by adaptive attention weights depending on the global context. Numerous experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves consistently more superior performance over previous GAN-based and CycleGAN-based methods in non-parallel training. Moreover, experiments in parallel training verify that the proposed AIA-CycleGAN also outperforms most advanced GAN-based and Non-GAN based speech enhancement approaches, especially in maintaining speech integrity and reducing speech distortion.
