A High Spatial Resolution Muon Tomography Prototype System based on Micromegas Detector

Abstract in English

Cosmic ray muon has strong penetrating power and no ionizing radiation hazards, which make cosmic ray muon an ideal probe to detect the special nuclear materials (SNM). However, the existing muon tomography experiments have the disadvantages of long imaging time and poor imaging accuracy, due to the low event rate of muons and small interaction cross section between muons and material nucleus. To optimize the imaging quality and imaging time, high spatial resolution muon tomography facility should be investigated more deeply. Micromegas with its high spatial resolution and large detection area is one of the suitable detectors for the muon tomography facility. In this paper, a high spatial muon tomography prototype was presented. The Micromegas detector was based on thermal bonding technique, which was easy to manufacture and can achieve good performance. A novel multiplexing method base on position encoding was introduced in this research to reduce the channels in an order of magnitude. Then, this paper carried out the research of a general and scalable muon imaging readout system, which employed a discrete architecture of front-end and back-end electronics and can be adapted to different scales of muon tomography experiments. Finally, a tomography prototype system was designed and implemented, including eight Micromegas detectors, four front-end electronics cards and a data acquisition board. Test results showed that this prototype can image objects with 2cm size and distinguish different materials.
