Hawking radiation received at infinity in higher dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom black hole spacetimes

Abstract in English

In this work, we investigate the Hawking radiation in higher dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom black holes as received by an observer, resides at infinity. The frequency-dependent transmission rates, which deform the thermal radiation emitted in the vicinity of the black hole horizon, are evaluated numerically. Apart from the case of four-dimensional spacetime, the calculations are extended to higher dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom metrics, and the results are found to be somewhat sensitive to the spacetime dimension. In general, it is observed that the transmission coefficients practically vanishes when the frequency of the emitted particle approaches zero. It increases with increasing frequency and eventually saturates to some value. For four-dimensional spacetime, the above result is shown to be mostly independent of the metrics parameter, neither of the orbital quantum number of the particle, once the location of the event horizon, $r_h$, and the product of the charges of the black hole and the particle $qQ$ are given. For higher-dimensional cases, on the other hand, the convergence becomes more slowly. Moreover, the difference between states with different orbital quantum numbers is found to be more significant. As the magnitude of the product of charges $qQ$ becomes more significant, the transmission coefficient exceeds one. In other words, the resultant spectral flux is amplified, which results in an accelerated process of black hole evaporation. The relation between the calculated outgoing transmission coefficient with existing results on the greybody factor is discussed.
