Quantum Generalized Hydrodynamics of the Tonks-Girardeau gas: density fluctuations and entanglement entropy

Abstract in English

We apply the theory of Quantum Generalized Hydrodynamics (QGHD) introduced in [Phys. Rev.Lett. 124, 140603 (2020)] to derive asymptotically exact results for the density fluctuations and theentanglement entropy of a one-dimensional trapped Bose gas in the Tonks-Girardeau (TG) or hard-core limit, after a trap quench from a double well to a single well. On the analytical side, thequadratic nature of the theory of QGHD is complemented with the emerging conformal invarianceat the TG point to fix the universal part of those quantities. Moreover, the well-known mapping ofhard-core bosons to free fermions, allows to use a generalized form of the Fisher-Hartwig conjectureto fix the non-trivial spacetime dependence of the ultraviolet cutoff in the entanglement entropy. Thefree nature of the TG gas also allows for more accurate results on the numerical side, where a highernumber of particles as compared to the interacting case can be simulated. The agreement betweenanalytical and numerical predictions is extremely good. For the density fluctuations, however, onehas to average out large Friedel oscillations present in the numerics to recover such agreement.
