We prove that the torsion points of an abelian variety are equidistributed over the corresponding berkovich space with respect to the canonical measure.
The purpose of this article is to show that the Castelnuovo theory for abelian varieties, developed by G. Pareschi and M. Popa, can be infinitesimalized. More precisely, we prove that an irreducible principally polarized abelian variety has a finite scheme in extremal position, in the sense of Castelnuovo theory for abelian varieties, if, and only if, it is a Jacobian and the scheme is contained in a unique Abel-Jacobi curve.
We prove equidistribution of Weierstrass points on Berkovich curves. Let $X$ be a smooth proper curve of positive genus over a complete algebraically closed non-Archimedean field $K$ of equal characteristic zero with a non-trivial valuation. Let $L$ be a line bundle of positive degree on $X$. The Weierstrass points of powers of $L$ are equidistributed according to the Zhang-Arakelov measure on the analytification $X^{an}$. This provides a non-Archimedean analogue of a theorem of Mumford and Neeman. Along the way we provide a description of the reduction of Weierstrass points, answering a question of Eisenbud and Harris.
We study endomorphisms of abelian varieties and their action on the l-adic Tate modules. We prove that for every endomorphism one may choose a basis of each Tate module such that the corresponding matrix has rational entries and does not depend on l.
These are notes of my lectures at the summer school Higher-dimensional geometry over finite fields in Goettingen, June--July 2007. We present a proof of Tates theorem on homomorphisms of abelian varieties over finite fields (including the $ell=p$ case) that is based on a quaternion trick. In fact, a a slightly stronger version of those theorems with finite coefficients is proven.