$Xi$ hyper-nuclear states predicted by NLO chiral baryon-baryon interactions

Abstract in English

The $Xi$ single-particle potential obtained in nuclear matter with the next-to-leading order baryon-baryon interactions in chiral effective field theory is applied to finite nuclei by an improved local-density approximation method. As a premise, phase shifts of $Xi N$ elastic scattering and the results of Faddeev calculations for the $Xi NN$ bound state problem are presented to show the properties of the $Xi N$ interactions in the present parametrization. First, the $Xi$ states in $^{14}$N are revisited because of the recent experimental progress, including the discussion on the $Xi N$ spin-orbit interaction that is relevant to the location of the $p$-state. Then the $Xi$ levels in $^{56}$Fe are calculated. In particular, the level shift which is expected to be measured experimentally in the near future is predicted. The smallness of the imaginary part of the $Xi$ single-particle potential is explicitly demonstrated.
