Thermal noise competes with turbulent fluctuations below millimeter scales

Abstract in English

Turbulent flows frequently accompany physical, chemical and biological processes, such as mixing, two-phase flow, combustion and even foraging by bacteria and plankton larvae, all of which are in principle subject to thermal fluctuations already on scales of several microns. Nevertheless the large separation between the millimeter scale at which turbulent fluctuations begin to be strongly damped and the mean free path of the fluid has been generally assumed to imply that thermal fluctuations are irrelevant to the turbulent dissipation range. Here we use statistical mechanical estimates to show that thermal fluctuations are not negligible compared to turbulent eddies in the dissipation range. Simulation of the Sabra shell model shows that intermittent bursts of turbulence lead to a fluctuating length scale below which thermal fluctuations are important: over three decades of length, from sub-millimeter scales down to the mean free path, thermal fluctuations coexist with hydrodynamics. Our results imply that thermal fluctuations cannot be neglected when modeling turbulent phenomena in the far dissipation range.
