Quantum illumination with noisy probes: Conditional advantages of non-Gaussianity

Abstract in English

Entangled states like two-mode squeezed vacuum states are known to give quantum advantage in the illumination protocol, a method to detect a weakly reflecting target submerged in a thermal background. We use non-Gaussian photon-added and subtracted states as probes for the single-shot quantum illumination both in the presence and absence of noise. Based on the difference between the Chernoff bounds obtained with the coherent state and the non-Gaussian state having equal signal strengths, whose positive values are referred to as a quantum advantage in illumination, we classify the performance of non-Gaussian states, when photons are added (subtracted) in (from) a single mode or in (from) both the modes. We highlight the hierarchy among Gaussian and non-Gaussian states obtained via this method, which is compatible with correlations per unit signal strength. Interestingly, such hierarchy is different when comparisons are made only using the Chernoff bounds. The entire analysis is performed in presence of different noisy apparatus like faulty twin-beam generator, imperfect photon addition or subtraction as well as with noisy non-Gaussian probe states.
