Two tractable models of dynamic resonances and their application to Fano resonances at light scattering

Abstract in English

We study numerically and analytically effects of resonant light scattering by subwavelength high-index particles with weak dissipation in the vicinity of the destructive interference at Fano resonances. We show that sharp variations in the envelope of the incident pulse may initiate unusual, counterintuitive dynamics of the scattering associated with interference of modes with fast and slow relaxation. In particular, we observe and explain intensive sharp spikes in scattering cross section just behind the leading and trailing edges of the incident pulse. The latter occurs when the incident pulse is over and is explained by the release of the electromagnetic energy accumulated in the particle at the previous stages of the scattering. To mimic the numerical results, we develop two tractable analytical models. Both reproduce with high accuracy all the dynamic effects of the numerics. The models allow us to reveal the physical grounds for the spikes explained by the violation of balance between the resonant and background partitions during the transient. Besides, we compare the models with each other and reveal their mutual advantages and disadvantages.
