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Wavefunctionology: The Special Structure of Certain Fractional Quantum Hall Wavefunctions

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 Added by Steven Simon
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Certain fractional quantum Hall wavefunctions -- particularly including the Laughlin, Moore-Read, and Read-Rezayi wavefunctions -- have special structure that makes them amenable to analysis using an exeptionally wide range of techniques including conformal field theory (CFT), thin cylinder or torus limit, study of symmetric polynomials and Jack polynomials, and so-called ``special parent Hamiltonians. This review discusses these techniques as well as explaining to what degree some other quantum Hall wavefunctions share this special structure. Along the way we will explore the physics of quantum Hall edges, entanglement spectra, quasiparticles, nonabelian braiding statistics, and Hall viscosity, among other topics. As compared to a number of other recent reviews, most of this review is written so as to {it not} rely on results from conformal field theory -- although a short discussion of a few key relations to CFT are included near the end.

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240 - Bo Yang , Zi-Xiang Hu , Z. Papic 2012
We construct model wavefunctions for the collective modes of fractional quantum Hall systems. The wavefunctions are expressed in terms of symmetric polynomials characterized by a root partition and a squeezed basis, and show excellent agreement with exact diagonalization results for finite systems. In the long wavelength limit, the model wavefunctions reduce to those predicted by the single-mode approximation, and remain accurate at energies above the continuum of roton pairs.
We investigate the ground state properties of a bosonic Harper-Hofstadter model with local interactions on a finite cylindrical lattice with filling fraction $ u=1/2$. We find that our system supports topologically ordered states by calculating the topological entanglement entropy, and its value is in good agreement with the theoretical value for the $ u=1/2$ Laughlin state. By exploring the behaviour of the density profiles, edge currents and single-particle correlation functions, we find that the ground state on the cylinder shows all signatures of a fractional quantum Hall state even for large values of the magnetic flux density. Furthermore, we determine the dependence of the correlation functions and edge currents on the interaction strength. We find that depending on the magnetic flux density, the transition towards Laughlin-like behaviour can be either smooth or happens abruptly for some critical interaction strength.
288 - Zi-Yi Fang , Dan Ye , Yu-Yu Zhang 2021
For the fractional quantum Hall states on a finite disc, we study the thermoelectric transport properties under the influence of an edge and its reconstruction. In a recent study on a torus [Phys. Rev. B 101, 241101 (2020)], Sheng and Fu found a universal non-Fermi liquid power-law scaling of the thermoelectric conductivity $alpha_{xy} propto T^{eta}$ for the gapless composite Fermi-liquid state. The exponent $eta sim 0.5$ appears an independence of the filling factors and the details of the interactions. In the presence of an edge, we find the properties of the edge spectrum dominants the low-temperature behaviors and breaks the universal scaling law of the thermoelectric conductivity. In order to consider individually the effects of the edge states, the entanglement spectrum in real space is employed and tuned by varying the area of subsystem. In non-Abelian Moore-Read state, the Majorana neutral edge mode is found to have more significant effect than that of the charge mode in the low temperature.
Domain walls in fractional quantum Hall ferromagnets are gapless helical one-dimensional channels formed at the boundaries of topologically distinct quantum Hall (QH) liquids. Na{i}vely, these helical domain walls (hDWs) constitute two counter-propagating chiral states with opposite spins. Coupled to an s-wave superconductor, helical channels are expected to lead to topological superconductivity with high order non-Abelian excitations. Here we investigate transport properties of hDWs in the $ u=2/3$ fractional QH regime. Experimentally we found that current carried by hDWs is substantially smaller than the prediction of the na{i}ve model. Luttinger liquid theory of the system reveals redistribution of currents between quasiparticle charge, spin and neutral modes, and predicts the reduction of the hDW current. Inclusion of spin-non-conserving tunneling processes reconciles theory with experiment. The theory confirms emergence of spin modes required for the formation of fractional topological superconductivity.
We investigate the non-universal part of the orbital entanglement spectrum (OES) of the nu = 1/3 fractional quantum Hall effect (FQH) ground-state with Coulomb interactions. The non-universal part of the spectrum is the part that is missing in the Laughlin model state OES whose level counting is completely determined by its topological order. We find that the OES levels of the Coulomb interaction ground-state are organized in a hierarchical structure that mimic the excitation-energy structure of the model pseudopotential Hamiltonian which has a Laughlin ground state. These structures can be accurately modeled using Jains composite fermion quasihole-quasiparticle excitation wavefunctions. To emphasize the connection between the entanglement spectrum and the energy spectrum, we also consider the thermodynamical OES of the model pseudopotential Hamiltonian at finite temperature. The observed good match between the thermodynamical OES and the Coulomb OES suggests a relation between the entanglement gap and the true energy gap.
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