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Let $M$ be strongly minimal and constructed by a `Hrushovski construction. If the Hrushovski algebraization function $mu$ is in a certain class ${mathcal T}$ ($mu$ triples) we show that for independent $I$ with $|I| >1$, ${rm dcl}^*(I)= emptyset$ (* means not in ${rm dcl}$ of a proper subset). This implies the only definable truly $n$-ary function $f$ ($f$ `depends on each argument), occur when $n=1$. We prove, indicating the dependence on $mu$, for Hrushovskis original construction and including analogous results for the strongly minimal $k$-Steiner systems of Baldwin and Paolini 2021 that the symmetric definable closure, ${rm sdcl}^*(I) =emptyset$, and thus the theory does not admit elimination of imaginaries. In particular, such strongly minimal Steiner systems with line-length at least 4 do not interpret a quasigroup, even though they admit a coordinatization if $k = p^n$. The proofs depend on our introduction for appropriate $G subseteq {rm aut}(M)$ the notion of a $G$-normal substructure ${mathcal A}$ of $M$ and of a $G$-decomposition of ${mathcal A}$. These results lead to a finer classification of strongly minimal structures with flat geometry; according to what sorts of definable functions they admit.
We note that a strongly minimal Steiner $k$-Steiner system $(M,R)$ from (Baldwin-Paolini 2020) can be `coordinatized in the sense of (Gantner-Werner 1975) by a quasigroup if $k$ is a prime-power. But for the basic construction this coordinatization is never definable in $(M,R)$. Nevertheless, by refining the construction, if $k$ is a prime power there is a $(2,k)$-variety of quasigroups which is strongly minimal and definably coordinatizes a Steiner $k$-system.
While increasingly deep networks are still in general desired for achieving state-of-the-art performance, for many specific inputs a simpler network might already suffice. Existing works exploited this observation by learning to skip convolutional layers in an input-dependent manner. However, we argue their binary decision scheme, i.e., either fully executing or completely bypassing one layer for a specific input, can be enhanced by introducing finer-grained, softer decisions. We therefore propose a Dynamic Fractional Skipping (DFS) framework. The core idea of DFS is to hypothesize layer-wise quantization (to different bitwidths) as intermediate soft choices to be made between fully utilizing and skipping a layer. For each input, DFS dynamically assigns a bitwidth to both weights and activations of each layer, where fully executing and skipping could be viewed as two extremes (i.e., full bitwidth and zero bitwidth). In this way, DFS can fractionally exploit a layers expressive power during input-adaptive inference, enabling finer-grained accuracy-computational cost trade-offs. It presents a unified view to link input-adaptive layer skipping and input-adaptive hybrid quantization. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superior tradeoff between computational cost and model expressive power (accuracy) achieved by DFS. More visualizations also indicate a smooth and consistent transition in the DFS behaviors, especially the learned choices between layer skipping and different quantizations when the total computational budgets vary, validating our hypothesis that layer quantization could be viewed as intermediate variants of layer skipping. Our source code and supplementary material are available at link{}.
We will prove that there exists a model of ZFC+``c= omega_2 in which every M subseteq R of cardinality less than continuum c is meager, and such that for every X subseteq R of cardinality c there exists a continuous function f:R-> R with f[X]=[0,1]. In particular in this model there is no magic set, i.e., a set M subseteq R such that the equation f[M]=g[M] implies f=g for every continuous nowhere constant functions f,g:R-> R .
It is shown, from hypotheses in the region of $omega^2$ Woodin cardinals, that there is a transitive model of KP + AD$_mathbb{R}$ containing all reals.
Motivated by the application problem of sensor fusion the author introduced the concept of graded set. It is reasoned that in classification problem arising in an information system (represented by information table), a novel set called Granular set naturally arises. It is realized that in any hierarchical classification problem, Granular set naturally arises. Also when the target set of objects forms a graded set the lower and upper approximations of target sets form a graded set. This generalizes the concept of rough set. It is hoped that a detailed theory of granular/ graded sets finds several applications.