Field-Induced Spin Excitations in the Spin-1/2 Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet CsYbSe$_2$

Abstract in English

A layered triangular lattice with spin-1/2 ions is an ideal platform to explore highly entangled exotic states like quantum spin liquid (QSL). Here, we report a systematic in-field neutron scattering study on a perfect two-dimensional triangular-lattice antiferromagnet, CsYbSe$_2$, a member of the large QSL candidate family rare-earth chalcogenides. The elastic neutron scattering measured down to 70 mK shows that there is a short-range 120$^{circ}$ magnetic order at zero field. In the field-induced ordered states, the spin-spin correlation lengths along the $c$ axis are relatively short, although the heat capacity results indicate long-range magnetic orders at 3 T $-$ 5 T. The inelastic neutron scattering spectra evolve from highly damped continuum-like excitations at zero field to relatively sharp spin wave modes at the plateau phase. Our extensive large-cluster density-matrix renormalization group calculations with a Heisenberg triangular-lattice nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic model reproduce the essential features of the experimental spectra, including continuum-like excitations at zero field, series of sharp magnons at the plateau phase as well as two-magnon excitations at high energy. This work presents comprehensive experimental and theoretical overview of the unconventional field-induced spin dynamics in triangular-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet and thus provides valuable insight into quantum many-body phenomena.
