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End-to-End Cross-Domain Text-to-SQL Semantic Parsing with Auxiliary Task

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 Added by Peng Shi
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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In this work, we focus on two crucial components in the cross-domain text-to-SQL semantic parsing task: schema linking and value filling. To encourage the model to learn better encoding ability, we propose a column selection auxiliary task to empower the encoder with the relevance matching capability by using explicit learning targets. Furthermore, we propose two value filling methods to build the bridge from the existing zero-shot semantic parsers to real-world applications, considering most of the existing parsers ignore the values filling in the synthesized SQL. With experiments on Spider, our proposed framework improves over the baselines on the execution accuracy and exact set match accuracy when database contents are unavailable, and detailed analysis sheds light on future work.

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We present BRIDGE, a powerful sequential architecture for modeling dependencies between natural language questions and relational databases in cross-DB semantic parsing. BRIDGE represents the question and DB schema in a tagged sequence where a subset of the fields are augmented with cell values mentioned in the question. The hybrid sequence is encoded by BERT with minimal subsequent layers and the text-DB contextualization is realized via the fine-tuned deep attention in BERT. Combined with a pointer-generator decoder with schema-consistency driven search space pruning, BRIDGE attained state-of-the-art performance on popular cross-DB text-to-SQL benchmarks, Spider (71.1% dev, 67.5% test with ensemble model) and WikiSQL (92.6% dev, 91.9% test). Our analysis shows that BRIDGE effectively captures the desired cross-modal dependencies and has the potential to generalize to more text-DB related tasks. Our implementation is available at url{}.
In text-to-SQL task, seq-to-seq models often lead to sub-optimal performance due to limitations in their architecture. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective approach that adapts transformer-based seq-to-seq model to robust text-to-SQL generation. Instead of inducing constraint to decoder or reformat the task as slot-filling, we propose to train seq-to-seq model with Schema aware Denoising (SeaD), which consists of two denoising objectives that train model to either recover input or predict output from two novel erosion and shuffle noises. These denoising objectives acts as the auxiliary tasks for better modeling the structural data in S2S generation. In addition, we improve and propose a clause-sensitive execution guided (EG) decoding strategy to overcome the limitation of EG decoding for generative model. The experiments show that the proposed method improves the performance of seq-to-seq model in both schema linking and grammar correctness and establishes new state-of-the-art on WikiSQL benchmark. The results indicate that the capacity of vanilla seq-to-seq architecture for text-to-SQL may have been under-estimated.
Recent years have seen great success in the use of neural seq2seq models on the text-to-SQL task. However, little work has paid attention to how these models generalize to realistic unseen data, which naturally raises a question: does this impressive performance signify a perfect generalization model, or are there still some limitations? In this paper, we first diagnose the bottleneck of text-to-SQL task by providing a new testbed, in which we observe that existing models present poor generalization ability on rarely-seen data. The above analysis encourages us to design a simple but effective auxiliary task, which serves as a supportive model as well as a regularization term to the generation task to increase the models generalization. Experimentally, We evaluate our models on a large text-to-SQL dataset WikiSQL. Compared to a strong baseline coarse-to-fine model, our models improve over the baseline by more than 3% absolute in accuracy on the whole dataset. More interestingly, on a zero-shot subset test of WikiSQL, our models achieve 5% absolute accuracy gain over the baseline, clearly demonstrating its superior generalizability.
112 - Yanyan Zou , Wei Lu 2019
We propose Text2Math, a model for semantically parsing text into math expressions. The model can be used to solve different math related problems including arithmetic word problems and equation parsing problems. Unlike previous approaches, we tackle the problem from an end-to-end structured prediction perspective where our algorithm aims to predict the complete math expression at once as a tree structure, where minimal manual efforts are involved in the process. Empirical results on benchmark datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our approach.
The task of multi-turn text-to-SQL semantic parsing aims to translate natural language utterances in an interaction into SQL queries in order to answer them using a database which normally contains multiple table schemas. Previous studies on this task usually utilized contextual information to enrich utterance representations and to further influence the decoding process. While they ignored to describe and track the interaction states which are determined by history SQL queries and are related with the intent of current utterance. In this paper, two kinds of interaction states are defined based on schema items and SQL keywords separately. A relational graph neural network and a non-linear layer are designed to update the representations of these two states respectively. The dynamic schema-state and SQL-state representations are then utilized to decode the SQL query corresponding to current utterance. Experimental results on the challenging CoSQL dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, which achieves better performance than other published methods on the task leaderboard.
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