Projective Resampling Imputation Mean Estimation Method for Missing Covariates Problem

Abstract in English

Missing data is a common problem in clinical data collection, which causes difficulty in the statistical analysis of such data. To overcome problems caused by incomplete data, we propose a new imputation method called projective resampling imputation mean estimation (PRIME), which can also address ``the curse of dimensionality problem in imputation with less information loss. We use various sample sizes, missing-data rates, covariate correlations, and noise levels in simulation studies, and all results show that PRIME outperformes other methods such as iterative least-squares estimation (ILSE), maximum likelihood (ML), and complete-case analysis (CC). Moreover, we conduct a study of influential factors in cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI), which show that our method performs better than the other models. Finally, we prove that PRIME has a consistent property under some regular conditions.
