Semiclassical Weyl law and exact spectral asymptotics in noncommutative geometry

Abstract in English

We prove a Tauberian theorem for singular values of noncommuting operators which allows us to prove exact asymptotic formulas in noncommutative geometry at a high degree of generality. We explain how, via the Birman--Schwinger principle, these asymptotics imply that a semiclassical Weyl law holds for many interesting noncommutative examples. In Connes notation for quantized calculus, we prove that for a wide class of $p$-summable spectral triples $(mathcal{A},H,D)$ and self-adjoint $V in mathcal{A}$, there holds [lim_{hdownarrow 0} h^pmathrm{Tr}(chi_{(-infty,0)}(h^2D^2+V)) = int V_-^{frac{p}{2}}|ds|^p.] where $int$ is Connes noncommutative integral.
