Modeling Influencer Marketing Campaigns In Social Networks

Abstract in English

In the present day, more than 3.8 billion people around the world actively use social media. The effectiveness of social media in facilitating quick and easy sharing of information has attracted brands and advertizers who wish to use the platform to market products via the influencers in the network. Influencers, owing to their massive popularity, provide a huge potential customer base generating higher returns of investment in a very short period. However, it is not straightforward to decide which influencers should be selected for an advertizing campaign that can generate maximum returns with minimum investment. In this work, we present an agent-based model (ABM) that can simulate the dynamics of influencer advertizing campaigns in a variety of scenarios and can help to discover the best influencer marketing strategy. Our system is a probabilistic graph-based model that incorporates real-world factors such as customers interest in a product, customer behavior, the willingness to pay, a brands investment cap, influencers engagement with influence diffusion, and the nature of the product being advertized viz. luxury and non-luxury.
