Strongly Interacting Two-component Coupled Bose Gas in a 1D Optical Lattice

Abstract in English

Two-component coupled Bose gas in a 1D optical lattice is examined. In addition to the postulated Mott insulator and Superfluid phases, multiple bosonic components manifest spin degrees of freedom. Coupling of the components in the Bose gas within same site and neighboring sites leads to substantial change in the previously observed spin phases revealing fascinating remarkable spin correlations. In the presence of strong interactions it gives rise to unconventional effective ordering of the spins leading to unprecedented spin phases: site-dependent $ztextsf{-}x$ spin configuration with tunable (by hopping parameter) proclivity of spin alignment along $z$. Exact analysis and Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) along with stochastic minimization on Entangled Plaquette State (EPS) bestow a unique and enhanced perspective into the system beyond the scope of mean-field treatment. The physics of complex intra-component tunneling and inter-component coupling and filling factor greater than unity are discussed.
