Dynamics of freely rising spheres: the effect of moment of inertia

Abstract in English

The goal of this study is to elucidate the effect the particle moment of inertia (MOI) has on the dynamics of spherical particles rising in a quiescent and turbulent fluid. To this end, we performed experiments with varying density ratios $Gamma$, the ratio of the particle density and fluid density, ranging from $0.37$ up to $0.97$. At each $Gamma$ the MOI was varied by shifting mass between the shell and the center of the particle to vary $I^*$ (the particle MOI normalised by the MOI of particle with the same weight and a uniform mass distribution). Helical paths are observed for low, and `3D chaotic trajectories at higher values of $Gamma$. The present data suggests no influence of $I^*$ on the critical value for this transition $0.42<Gamma_{textrm{crit}}<0.52$. For the `3D chaotic rise mode we identify trends of decreasing particle drag coefficient ($C_d$) and amplitude of oscillation with increasing $I^*$. Due to limited data it remains unclear if a similar dependence exists in the helical regime as well. Path oscillations remain finite for all cases studied and no `rectilinear mode is encountered, which may be the consequence of allowing for a longer transient distance in the present compared to earlier work. Rotational dynamics did not vary significantly between quiescent and turbulent surroundings, indicating that these are predominantly wake driven.
