Role of two-dimensional Ising superconductivity in the non-equilibrium quasiparticle spin-to-charge conversion efficiency

Abstract in English

Non-equilibrium studies of two-dimensional (2D) superconductors (SCs) with Ising spin-orbit coupling are prerequisite for their successful application to equilibrium spin-triplet Cooper pairs and, potentially, Majorana fermions. Here, we fabricate non-local magnon devices to examine how such 2D Ising superconductivity affects the conversion efficiency of magnon spin to quasiparticle charge in superconducting flakes of 2H-NbSe2 transferred onto ferromagnetic insulating Y3Fe5O12. Comparison with a reference device based on a conventionally paired superconductor shows that the Y3Fe5O12-induced in-plane (IP) exchange spin-splitting in the NbSe2 flake is hindered by its inherent out-of-plane (OOP) spin-orbit-field, which, in turn, limits the transition-state enhancement of the spin-to-charge conversion efficiency. Our out-of-equilibrium study highlights the significance of symmetry matching between underlying Cooper pairs and exchange-induced spin-splitting for the giant transition-state spin-to-charge conversion and may have implications towards proximity-engineered spin-polarized triplet pairing via tuning the relative strength of IP exchange and OOP spin-orbit fields in ferromagnetic insulator/2D Ising SC bilayers.
