A generalised multipath delayed-choice experiment on a large-scale quantum nanophotonic chip

Abstract in English

Famous double-slit or double-path experiments, implemented in a Youngs or Mach-Zehnder interferometer, have confirmed the dual nature of quantum matter, When a stream of photons, neutrons, atoms, or molecules, passes through two slits, either wave-like interference fringes build up on a screen, or particle-like which-path distribution can be ascertained. These quantum objects exhibit both wave and particle properties but exclusively, depending on the way they are measured. In an equivalent Mach-Zehnder configuration, the object displays either wave or particle nature in the presence or absence of a beamsplitter, respectively, that represents the choice of which-measurement. Wheeler further proposed a gedanken experiment, in which the choice of which-measurement is delayed, i.e. determined after the object has already entered the interferometer, so as to exclude the possibility of predicting which-measurement it will confront. The delayed-choice experiments have enabled significant demonstrations of genuine two-path duality of different quantum objects. Recently, a quantum controlled version of delayed-choice was proposed by Ionicioiu and Terno, by introducing a quantum-controlled beamsplitter that is in a coherent superposition of presence and absence. It represents a controllable experiment platform that can not only reveal wave and particle characters, but also their superposition. Moreover, a quantitative description of two-slit duality relation was initialized in Wootters and Zureks seminal work and formalized by Greenberger,et. al. as D2+V2<=1, where D is the distinguishability of whichpath information, and V is the contrast visibility of interference. In this regard, getting which-path information exclusively reduces the interference visibility, and vice versa. This double-path duality relation has been tested in pioneer experiments and recently in delayed-choice measurements.
