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Measuring neutron skin by grazing isobaric collisions

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 Added by Hao-Jie Xu
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Neutron skin thickness ($Delta r_{rm np}$) of nuclei and the inferred nuclear symmetry energy are of critical importance to nuclear physics and astrophysics. It is traditionally measured by nuclear processes with significant theoretical uncertainties. We recently proposed an indirect measurement of the $Delta r_{rm np}$ by charged hadron multiplicities in central isobaric collisions at relativistic energies, which are sensitive to nuclear densities. In this paper we propose a direct measurement of the $Delta r_{rm np}$ by using net-charge multiplicities in ultra-peripheral (grazing) collisions of those isobars, under the assumption that they are simple superimposition of nucleon-nucleon interactions. We illustrate this novel approach by the TRENTO and URQMD models.

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The effects of neutron skin on the multiplicity ($N_{rm ch}$) and eccentricity($epsilon_2$) in relativistic $^{96}_{44}$Ru+$^{96}_{44}$Ru and $^{96}_{40}$Zr+$^{96}_{40}$Zr collisions at $sqrt{s_{_{rm NN}}}=200$ GeV are investigated with the Trento model. It is found that the Ru+Ru/Zr+Zr ratios of the $N_{rm ch}$ distributions and $epsilon_{2}$ in mid-central collisions are exquisitely sensitive to the neutron skin type (skin vs.~halo). The state-of-the-art calculations by energy density functional theory (DFT) favor the halo-type neutron skin and can soon be confronted by experimental data. It is demonstrated that the halo-type density can serve as a good surrogate for the DFT density, and thus can be efficiently employed to probe nuclear deformities by using elliptic flow data in central collisions. We provide hereby a proof-of-principle venue to simultaneously determine the neutron skin type, thickness, and nuclear deformity.
Particle production in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions depends on the details of the nucleon density distributions in the colliding nuclei. We demonstrate that the charged hadron multiplicity distributions in isobaric collisions at ultrarelativistic energies provide a novel approach to determine the poorly known neutron density distributions and thus the neutron skin thickness in finite nuclei, which can in turn put stringent constraints on the nuclear symmetry energy.
We give a numerical simulation of the generation of the magnetic field and the charge-separation signal due to the chiral magnetic effect (CME) --- the induction of an electric current by the magnetic field in a parity-odd matter --- in the collisions of isobaric nuclei, $^{96}_{44}$Ru + $^{96}_{44}$Ru and $^{96}_{40}$Zr + $^{96}_{40}$Zr, at $sqrt{s_{rm NN}}=200$ GeV. We show that such collisions provide an ideal tool to disentangle the CME signal from the possible elliptic-flow driven background effects. We also discuss some other effects that can be tested by using the isobaric collisions.
131 - D. Q. Fang , Y. G. Ma , X. Z. Cai 2010
We study the relation between neutron removal cross section ($sigma_{-N}$) and neutron skin thickness for finite neutron rich nuclei using the statistical abrasion ablation (SAA) model. Different sizes of neutron skin are obtained by adjusting the diffuseness parameter of neutrons in the Fermi distribution. It is demonstrated that there is a good linear correlation between $sigma_{-N}$ and the neutron skin thickness for neutron rich nuclei. Further analysis suggests that the relative increase of neutron removal cross section could be used as a quantitative measure for the neutron skin thickness in neutron rich nuclei.
We present and discuss numerical predictions for the neutron density distribution of $^{208}$Pb using various non-relativistic and relativistic mean-field models for the nuclear structure. Our results are compared with the very recent pion photoproduction data from Mainz. The parity-violating asymmetry parameter for elastic electron scattering at the kinematics of the PREX experiment at JLab and the neutron skin thickness are compared with the available data. We consider also the dependence between the neutron skin and the parameters of the expansion of the symmetry energy.
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