Ramsey numbers of sparse digraphs

Abstract in English

Burr and ErdH{o}s in 1975 conjectured, and Chvatal, Rodl, Szemeredi and Trotter later proved, that the Ramsey number of any bounded degree graph is linear in the number of vertices. In this paper, we disprove the natural directed analogue of the Burr--ErdH{o}s conjecture, answering a question of Bucic, Letzter, and Sudakov. If $H$ is an acyclic digraph, the oriented Ramsey number of $H$, denoted $overrightarrow{r_{1}}(H)$, is the least $N$ such that every tournament on $N$ vertices contains a copy of $H$. We show that for any $Delta geq 2$ and any sufficiently large $n$, there exists an acyclic digraph $H$ with $n$ vertices and maximum degree $Delta$ such that [ overrightarrow{r_{1}}(H)ge n^{Omega(Delta^{2/3}/ log^{5/3} Delta)}. ] This proves that $overrightarrow{r_{1}}(H)$ is not always linear in the number of vertices for bounded-degree $H$. On the other hand, we show that $overrightarrow{r_{1}}(H)$ is nearly linear in the number of vertices for typical bounded-degree acyclic digraphs $H$, and obtain linear or nearly linear bounds for several natural families of bounded-degree acyclic digraphs. For multiple colors, we prove a quasipolynomial upper bound $overrightarrow{r_{k}}(H)=2^{(log n)^{O_{k}(1)}}$ for all bounded-degree acyclic digraphs $H$ on $n$ vertices, where $overrightarrow{r_k}(H)$ is the least $N$ such that every $k$-edge-colored tournament on $N$ vertices contains a monochromatic copy of $H$. For $kgeq 2$ and $ngeq 4$, we exhibit an acyclic digraph $H$ with $n$ vertices and maximum degree $3$ such that $overrightarrow{r_{k}}(H)ge n^{Omega(log n/loglog n)}$, showing that these Ramsey numbers can grow faster than any polynomial in the number of vertices.
