HH 175: A Giant HH Flow Emanating From A Multiple Protostar

Abstract in English

HH 175 is an isolated Herbig-Haro object seen towards the B35 cloud in the lambda Ori region. We use deep Subaru 8m interference filter images and Spitzer images to show that HH 175 is a terminal shock in a large collimated outflow from the nearby embedded source IRAS 05417+0907. The body of the eastern outflow lobe is hidden by a dense ridge of gas. The western outflow breaks out of the front of the cometary-shaped B35 cloud, carrying cloud fragments along, which are optically visible due to photoionization by the massive lambda Ori stars. The total extent of the bipolar outflow is 13.7 arcmin, which at the adopted distance of 415 pc corresponds to a projected dimension of 1.65 pc. The embedded source IRAS 05417+0907 is located on the flow axis approximately midway between the two lobes, and near-infrared images show it to be a multiple system of 6 sources, with a total luminosity of 31 Lsun. Millimeter maps in CO, 13CO, and C18O show that the B35 cloud is highly structured with multiple cores, of which the one that spawned IRAS 05417+0907 is located at the apex of B35. It is likely that the embedded source is the result of compression by an ionization-shock front driven by the lambda Ori OB stars.
