Correlation-induced triplet pairing superconductivity in graphene-based moire systems

Abstract in English

Motivated by the possible non-spin-singlet superconductivity in the magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene experiment, we investigate the triplet-pairing superconductivity arising from a correlation-induced spin-fermion model on a honeycomb lattice. We find that the $f$-wave pairing is favored due to the valley-sublattice structure, and the superconducting state is time-reversal symmetric, fully gapped, and non-topological. With a small in-plane magnetic field, the superconducting state becomes partially polarized, and the transition temperature can be slightly enhanced. Our results apply qualitatively for the triplet-pairing superconductivity in graphene-based moire systems, which is fundamentally distinct from triplet superconductivity in $^3$He and ferromagnetic superconductors.
