Floccinaucinihilipilification: Semisimple extensions of the Standard Model gauge algebra

Abstract in English

We show how one may classify all semisimple algebras containing the $mathfrak{su}(3)oplus mathfrak{su}(2) oplus mathfrak{u}(1)$ symmetry of the Standard Model and acting on some given matter sector, enabling theories beyond the Standard Model with unification (partial or total) of symmetries (gauge or global) to be catalogued. With just a single generation of Standard Model fermions plus a singlet neutrino, the only {gauge} symmetries correspond to the well-known algebras $mathfrak{su}(5),mathfrak{so}(10),$ and $mathfrak{su}(4)oplus mathfrak{su}(2) oplus mathfrak{su}(2)$, but with two or more generations a limited number of exotic symmetries mixing flavour, colour, and electroweak degrees of freedom become possible. We provide a complete catalogue in the case of 3 generations or fewer and outline how our method generalizes to cases with additional matter.
