Twisted D3-brane and M5-brane compactifications from multi-charge spindles

Abstract in English

We construct families of supersymmetric AdS$_3times Y_7$ and AdS$_3times Y_8$ solutions to type IIB string theory and M-theory, respectively. Here $Y_7$ is an $S^5$ fibration over $Sigma$, while $Y_8$ is an $S^4$ fibration over $Sigma_gtimes Sigma$, where $Sigma_g$ is a Riemann surface of genus $g>1$ and $Sigma$ is a two-dimensional orbifold known as a spindle. We interpret the solutions as near-horizon limits of $N$ D3-branes wrapped on $Sigma$ and $N$ M5-branes wrapped on $Sigma_gtimes Sigma$, respectively. These are holographically dual to $d=2$, $(0,2)$ SCFTs, and we show that the central charge and superconformal R-symmetry of the gravity solutions agree with dual field theory calculations.
