The foundation of the hyperunified field theory II -- fundamental interaction and evolving universe

Abstract in English

In the part I of the foundation of the hyperunified field theory, we have shown the presence of entangled hyperqubit-spinor field as fundamental building block with appearance of Minkowski hyper-spacetime as free-motion spacetime and emergence of inhomogeneous hyperspin symmetry as fundamental symmetry. In this paper as part II, we demonstrate by following along gauge invariance principle and scaling invariance hypothesis that the inhomogeneous hyperspin gauge symmetry and scaling gauge symmetry govern fundamental interactions and reveal the nature of gravity and spacetime. With the fiber bundle structure of biframe hyper-spacetime and emergence of non-commutative geometry, we explore methodically the gauge-geometry duality and genesis of gravitational interaction in locally flat gravigauge hyper-spacetime. A whole hyperunified field theory in 19-dimensional hyper-spacetime is established to unify not only all discovered leptons and quarks into hyperunified qubit-spinor field but also all known basic forces into hyperunified interaction governed by inhomogeneous hyperspin gauge symmetry. We present a systematic investigate on the hyperunified field theory with deriving the dynamics of fundamental fields as basic laws of nature and conservation laws relative to basic symmetries and showing Higgs-like bosons and three families of lepton-quark states. We provide a detailed analysis on inflationary early universe with evolving graviscalar field and a discussion on scaling gauge field as dark matter candidate and $cQ_c$-spin scalar field as source of dark energy.
