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Valley splittings in Si/SiGe quantum dots with a germanium spike in the silicon well

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 Added by Thomas McJunkin
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Silicon-germanium heterostructures have successfully hosted quantum dot qubits, but the intrinsic near-degeneracy of the two lowest valley states poses an obstacle to high fidelity quantum computing. We present a modification to the Si/SiGe heterostructure by the inclusion of a spike in germanium concentration within the quantum well in order to increase the valley splitting. The heterostructure is grown by chemical vapor deposition and magnetospectroscopy is performed on gate-defined quantum dots to measure the excited state spectrum. We demonstrate a large and widely tunable valley splitting as a function of applied vertical electric field and lateral dot confinement. We further investigate the role of the germanium spike by means of tight-binding simulations in single-electron dots and show a robust doubling of the valley splitting when the spike is present, as compared to a standard (spike-free) heterostructure. This doubling effect is nearly independent of the electric field, germanium content of the spike, and spike location. This experimental evidence of a stable, tunable quantum dot, despite a drastic change to the heterostructure, provides a foundation for future heterostructure modifications.

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Silicon quantum dot qubits must contend with low-lying valley excited states which are sensitive functions of the quantum well heterostructure and disorder; quantifying and maximizing the energies of these states are critical to improving device performance. We describe a spectroscopic method for probing excited states in isolated Si/SiGe double quantum dots using standard baseband pulsing techniques, easing the extraction of energy spectra in multiple-dot devices. We use this method to measure dozens of valley excited state energies spanning multiple wafers, quantum dots, and orbital states, crucial for evaluating the dependence of valley splitting on quantum well width and other epitaxial conditions. Our results suggest that narrower wells can be beneficial for improving valley splittings, but this effect can be confounded by variations in growth and fabrication conditions. These results underscore the importance of valley splitting measurements for guiding the development of Si qubits.
We examine energy spectra of Si quantum dots embedded into Si_{0.75}Ge_{0.25} buffers using atomistic numerical calculations for dimensions relevant to qubit implementations. The valley degeneracy of the lowest orbital state is lifted and valley splitting fluctuates with monolayer frequency as a function of the dot thickness. For dot thicknesses <6 nm valley splitting is found to be >150 ueV. Using the unique advantage of atomistic calculations we analyze the effect of buffer disorder on valley splitting. Disorder in the buffer leads to the suppression of valley splitting by a factor of 2.5, the splitting fluctuates with ~20 ueV for different disorder realizations. Through these simulations we can guide future experiments into regions of low device-to-device fluctuations.
The energies of valley-orbit states in silicon quantum dots are determined by an as yet poorly understood interplay between interface roughness, orbital confinement, and electron interactions. Here, we report measurements of one- and two-electron valley-orbit state energies as the dot potential is modified by changing gate voltages, and we calculate these same energies using full configuration interaction calculations. The results enable an understanding of the interplay between the physical contributions and enable a new probe of the quantum well interface.
Interactions between electrons can strongly affect the shape and functionality of multi-electron quantum dots. The resulting charge distributions can be localized, as in the case of Wigner molecules, with consequences for the energy spectrum and tunneling to states outside the dot. The situation is even more complicated for silicon dots, due to the interplay between valley, orbital, and interaction energy scales. Here, we study two-electron wavefunctions in electrostatically confined quantum dots formed in a SiGe/Si/SiGe quantum well at zero magnetic field, using a combination of tight-binding and full-configuration-interaction (FCI) methods, and taking into account atomic-scale disorder at the quantum well interface. We model dots based on recent qubit experiments, which straddle the boundary between strongly interacting and weakly interacting systems, and display a rich and diverse range of behaviors. Our calculations show that strong electron-electron interactions, induced by weak confinement, can significantly suppress the low-lying, singlet-triplet (ST) excitation energy. However, when the valley-orbit interactions caused by interfacial disorder are weak, the ST splitting can approach its noninteracting value, even when the electron-electron interactions are strong and Wigner-molecule behavior is observed. These results have important implications for the rational design and fabrication of quantum dot qubits with predictable properties.
273 - D. M. Zajac , T. M. Hazard , X. Mi 2015
We demonstrate a reconfigurable quantum dot gate architecture that incorporates two interchangeable transport channels. One channel is used to form quantum dots and the other is used for charge sensing. The quantum dot transport channel can support either a single or a double quantum dot. We demonstrate few-electron occupation in a single quantum dot and extract charging energies as large as 6.6 meV. Magnetospectroscopy is used to measure valley splittings in the range of 35-70 microeV. By energizing two additional gates we form a few-electron double quantum dot and demonstrate tunable tunnel coupling at the (1,0) to (0,1) interdot charge transition.
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