Addendum to: Combined Constraints on First Generation Leptoquarks

Abstract in English

In this addendum to arXiv:2101.07811 we discuss the implications of the recent CMS analysis of lepton flavour universality violation in non-resonant di-lepton pairs for first generation leptoquarks. As CMS finds more electron events than expected from background, this analysis prefers the LQ representations $tilde{S}_1, S_2, S_3, tilde{V}_1, V_2,(kappa_2^{RL} e 0)$ and $V_3$ which lead to constructive interference with the SM. In principle the excess could also be (partially) explained by the representations $tilde{S}_2, V_1,(kappa_1^R e 0), V_2,(kappa_2^{LR} e 0), tilde{V}_2$ which are interfering destructively, as this would still lead to the right effect in bins with high invariant mass where the new physics contribution dominates. However, in these cases large couplings would be required which are excluded by other observables. The representations $S_1, V_1, (kappa_1^{L} e 0)$ cannot improve the fit to the CMS data compared to the SM.
