Spin-orbit torque switching of Neel order in two-dimensional CrI$_3$

Abstract in English

Spin-orbit torque enables electrical control of the magnetic state of ferromagnets or antiferromagnets. In this work we consider the spin-orbit torque in the 2-d Van der Waals antiferromagnetic bilayer CrI$_3$, in the $n$-doped regime. In the purely antiferromagnetic state, two individually inversion-symmetry broken layers of CrI$_3$ form inversion partners, like the well-studied CuMnAs and Mn$_2$Au. However, the exchange and anisotropy energies are similar in magnitude, unlike previously studied antiferromagnets, which leads to qualitatively different behaviors in this material. Using a combination of first-principles calculations of the spin-orbit torque and an analysis of the ensuing spin dynamics, we show that the deterministic electrical switching of the Neel vector is the result of dampinglike spin-orbit torque, which is staggered on the magnetic sublattices.
