A detailed investigation on the relative isotopic distributions has been carried out for the first time in case of even-even correlated fission fragments for the $^{235}$U($n_{th}$,$f$) fission reaction. High-statistics data were obtained in a prompt $gamma$ ray spectroscopy measurement during the EXILL campaign at ILL, Grenoble, France. The extensive off-line analysis of the coincidence data have been carried out using four different coincidence methods. Combining the results from 2-dimensional $gamma-gamma$ and 3-dimensional $gamma-gamma-gamma$ coincidence analysis, a comprehensive picture of the relative isotopic yield distributions of the even-even neutron-rich fission fragments has emerged. The experimentally observed results have been substantiated by the theoretical calculations based on a novel approach of isospin conservation, and a reasonable agreement has been obtained. The calculations following the semi-empirical GEF model have also been carried out. The results from the GEF model calculations are found to be in fair agreement with the experimental results.