Standard monomial theory and toric degenerations of Richardson varieties in the Grassmannian

Abstract in English

Richardson varieties are obtained as intersections of Schubert and opposite Schubert varieties. We provide a new family of toric degenerations of Richardson varieties inside Grassmannians by studying Grobner degenerations of their corresponding ideals. These degenerations are parametrised by block diagonal matching fields in the sense of Sturmfels-Zelevinsky. We associate a weight vector to each block diagonal matching field and study its corresponding initial ideal. In particular, we characterise when such ideals are toric, hence providing a family of toric degenerations for Richardson varieties. Given a Richardson variety $X_{w}^v$ and a weight vector ${bf w}_ell$ arising from a matching field, we consider two ideals: an ideal $G_{k,n,ell}|_w^v$ obtained by restricting the initial of the Plucker ideal to a smaller polynomial ring, and a toric ideal defined as the kernel of a monomial map $phi_ell|_w^v$. We first characterise the monomial-free ideals of form $G_{k,n,ell}|_w^v$. Then we construct a family of tableaux in bijection with semi-standard Young tableaux which leads to a monomial basis for the corresponding quotient ring. Finally, we prove that when $G_{k,n,ell}|_w^v$ is monomial-free and the initial ideal in$_{{bf w}_ell}(I(X_w^v))$ is quadratically generated, then all three ideals in$_{{bf w}_ell}(I(X_w^v))$, $G_{k,n,ell}|_w^v$ and ker$(phi_ell|_w^v)$ coincide, and provide a toric degeneration of $X_w^v$.
