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Magnetic field-induced softening of spin waves and hard-axis order in Kondo-lattice ferromagnet CeAgSb2

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 Added by Dmitry Sokolov A
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A significant number of Kondo-lattice ferromagnets order perpendicular to the easy magnetization axis dictated by the crystalline electric field. The nature of this phenomenon has attracted considerable attention, but remains poorly understood. In the present paper we use inelastic neutron scattering supported by magnetization and specific heat measurements to study the spin dynamics in the hard-axis ferromagnet CeAgSb2. In the zero field state we observed two sharp magnon modes, which are associated with Ce ordering and extended up to $approx 3 meV with a considerable spin gap of 0.6 meV. Application of a magnetic field perpendicular to the moment direction reduces the spectral intensity and suppresses the gap and significantly enhances the low-temperature specific heat at a critical field of Bc ~ 2.8 T via a mean-field-like transition. Above the transition, in the field polarized state, the gap eventually reopens due to the Zeeman effect. We modeled the observed dispersion using linear spin-wave theory (LSWT) taking into account the ground state Gamma 6 doublet and exchange anisotropy. Our model correctly captures the essential features of the spin dynamics including magnetic dispersion, distribution of the spectral intensity as well as the field-induced behavior, although several minor features remain obscure. The observed spectra do not show significant broadening due to the finite lifetime of the quasiparticles. Along with a moderate electronic specific heat coefficient gamma = 46 mJ/mol K2 this indicates that the Kondo coupling is relatively weak and the Ce moments are well localized. Altogether, our results provide profound insight into the spin dynamics of the hard-axis ferromagnet CeAgSb2 and can be used as solid ground for studying magnetic interactions in isostructural compounds including CeAuSb2, which exhibits nematicity and unusual mesoscale magnetic textures.

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We show that Ce- and Yb-based Kondo-lattice ferromagnets order mainly along the magnetically hard direction of the ground state Kramers doublet determined by crystalline electric field (CEF). Here we argue that this peculiar phenomenon, that was believed to be rare, is instead the standard case. Moreover, it seems to be independent on the Curie temperature $T_mathrm{C}$, crystalline structure, size of the ordered moment and type of ground state wave function. On the other hand, all these systems show the Kondo coherence maximum in the temperature dependence of the resistivity just above $T_mathrm{C}$ which indicates a Kondo temperature of a few Kelvin. An important role of fluctuations is indicated by the non-mean-field like transition in specific heat measurements as well as by the suppression of this effect by a strong Ising-like anisotropy. We discuss possible theoretical scenarios.
High resolution time-of-flight neutron scattering measurements on Tb2Ti2O7 reveal a rich low temperature phase diagram in the presence of a magnetic field applied along [110]. In zero field at T=0.4 K, terbium titanate is a highly correlated cooperative paramagnet with disordered spins residing on a pyrochlore lattice of corner-sharing tetrahedra. Application of a small field condenses much of the magnetic diffuse scattering, characteristic of the disordered spins, into a new Bragg peak characteristic of a polarized paramagnet. At higher fields, a magnetically ordered phase is induced, which supports spin wave excitations indicative of continuous, rather than Ising-like spin degrees of freedom.
125 - F. Mancini 2000
Spin dynamics is calculated in the ferromagnetic (FM) state of the generalized Kondo lattice model taking into account strong on-site correlations between e_g electrons and antiferromagnetic (AFM) exchange among t_{2g} spins. Our study suggests that competing FM double-exchange and AFM super-exchange interaction lead to a rather nontrivial spin-wave spectrum. While spin excitations have a conventional Dq^2 spectrum in the long-wavelength limit, there is a strong deviation from the spin-wave spectrum of the isotropic Heisenberg model close to the zone boundary. The relevance of our results to the experimental data are discussed.
284 - A. Schwabe , W. Nolting 2009
We present an new approach for the ferromagnetic, three-dimensional, translational-symmetric Kondo lattice model which allows us to derive both magnon energies and linewidths (lifetimes) and to study the properties of the ferromagnetic phase at finite temperatures. Both anomalous softening and anomalous damping are obtained and discussed. Our method consists of mapping the Kondo lattice model onto an effective Heisenberg model by means of the modified RKKY interaction and the interpolating self-energy approach. The Heisenberg model is approximatively solved by applying the Dyson-Maleev transformation and using the spectral density approach with a broadened magnon spectral density.
Of the dense Kondo materials in the class CeTSb2 (where T = Au, Ag, Ni, Cu, or Pd), CeAgSb2 is special due to its complex magnetic ground state, which exhibits both ferro- and anti-ferromagnetic character below an ordering temperature TO ~ 9.8 K. To further elucidate a description this magnetic ground state, we have carried out a systematic study of single crystalline CeAgSb2 by magnetic, electrical magneto-transport, and Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) studies over a broad range of temperature and magnetic field. We have constructed the magnetic phase diagram based solely on magnetoresistance data. Here, depending on the orientation of the magnetic field H, either ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic ordering occurs below TO. The resistivity of this compound below TO does not follow a simple Fermi liquid behavior, but requires an additional contribution from conduction electron scattering from boson excitations with an energy gap, D. At zero field the temperature dependent resistivity below TO is most consistent with antiferromagnetic order, based on the transport theory which includes magnon scattering. Crystal field effect theory applied to the susceptibility data yields splitting energies from the ground state to the first and second excited states of 53 K and 137 K, respectively. Although there is some uncertainty in the Kondo temperature determination, we estimate TK ~ 23 K from our analysis. In the Fermi surface studies, the measurements show very small Fermi surface sections, not predicted by band structure calculations, and the SdH amplitudes are very sensitive to field direction. Only by considering lens orbits between the main Fermi surface cylinders can the SdH results be reconciled with the Fermi surface topology predicted from band structure.
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