Detection of Functional Communities in Networks of Randomly Coupled Oscillators Using the Dynamic-Mode Decomposition

Abstract in English

Dynamic-mode decomposition (DMD) is a versatile framework for model-free analysis of time series that are generated by dynamical systems. We develop a DMD-based algorithm to investigate the formation of functional communities in networks of coupled, heterogeneous Kuramoto oscillators. In these functional communities, the oscillators in the network have similar dynamics. We consider two common random-graph models (Watts--Strogatz networks and Barabasi--Albert networks) with different amounts of heterogeneities among the oscillators. In our computations, we find that membership in a community reflects the extent to which there is establishment and sustainment of locking between oscillators. We construct forest graphs that illustrate the complex ways in which the heterogeneous oscillators associate and disassociate with each other.
