Stellar, Gas, and Dust Emission of Star Forming Galaxies out to z~2

Abstract in English

While dust is a major player in galaxy evolution, its relationship with gas and stellar radiation in the early universe is still not well understood. We combine 3D-HST emission line fluxes with far-UV through far-IR photometry in a sample of 669 emission-line galaxies (ELGs) between 1.2 < z < 1.9 and use the MCSED spectral energy distribution fitting code to constrain the galaxies physical parameters, such as their star formation rates (SFRs), stellar masses, and dust masses. We find that the assumption of energy balance between dust attenuation and emission is likely unreasonable in many cases. We highlight a relationship between the mass-specific star formation rate (sSFR), stellar mass, and dust mass, although its exact form is still unclear. Finally, a stacking of H$alpha$ and H$beta$ fluxes shows that nebular attenuation increases with stellar mass and SFR for IR-bright ELGs.
