Global interpretation of LHC indications within the Georgi-Machacek Higgs model Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2021), 15-18 March 2021. C21-03-15.1

Abstract in English

Following various LHC indications for new scalars, an interpretation of these is given in terms of the Georgi-Machacek (GM) model. On top of the confirmed SM Higgs boson, there are indications for a light Higgs at 96 GeV, for a CP-odd boson at 400 GeV and for a heavy Higgs boson at 660 GeV. Potentially interesting deviations are also observed in the ttW cross-section measurement, which naturally fit into this picture. None of them crosses the fatidic five s.d. evidence but the addition of these effects, consistent with GM, suggest that there are good hopes for solid discoveries at HL-LHC, which should boost the motivation for future machines. The GM model also provides a useful framework to estimate the rates expected for various channels at an $e^+e^-$ collider, together with the range of energies needed. ILC performances are used for a quantitative estimate of these rates for the prominent channels.
