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In this paper, we address the problem of training deep neural networks in the presence of severe label noise. Our proposed training algorithm ScanMix, combines semantic clustering with semi-supervised learning (SSL) to improve the feature representations and enable an accurate identification of noisy samples, even in severe label noise scenarios. To be specific, ScanMix is designed based on the expectation maximisation (EM) framework, where the E-step estimates the value of a latent variable to cluster the training images based on their appearance representations and classification results, and the M-step optimises the SSL classification and learns effective feature representations via semantic clustering. In our evaluations, we show state-of-the-art results on standard benchmarks for symmetric, asymmetric and semantic label noise on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, as well as large scale real label noise on WebVision. Most notably, for the benchmarks contaminated with large noise rates (80% and above), our results are up to 27% better than the related work. The code is available at
This paper addresses semi-supervised semantic segmentation by exploiting a small set of images with pixel-level annotations (strong supervisions) and a large set of images with only image-level annotations (weak supervisions). Most existing approaches aim to generate accurate pixel-level labels from weak supervisions. However, we observe that those generated labels still inevitably contain noisy labels. Motivated by this observation, we present a novel perspective and formulate this task as a problem of learning with pixel-level label noise. Existing noisy label methods, nevertheless, mainly aim at image-level tasks, which can not capture the relationship between neighboring labels in one image. Therefore, we propose a graph based label noise detection and correction framework to deal with pixel-level noisy labels. In particular, for the generated pixel-level noisy labels from weak supervisions by Class Activation Map (CAM), we train a clean segmentation model with strong supervisions to detect the clean labels from these noisy labels according to the cross-entropy loss. Then, we adopt a superpixel-based graph to represent the relations of spatial adjacency and semantic similarity between pixels in one image. Finally we correct the noisy labels using a Graph Attention Network (GAT) supervised by detected clean labels. We comprehensively conduct experiments on PASCAL VOC 2012, PASCAL-Context and MS-COCO datasets. The experimental results show that our proposed semi supervised method achieves the state-of-the-art performances and even outperforms the fully-supervised models on PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS-COCO datasets in some cases.
Semi-supervised learning is becoming increasingly important because it can combine data carefully labeled by humans with abundant unlabeled data to train deep neural networks. Classic methods on semi-supervised learning that have focused on transductive learning have not been fully exploited in the inductive framework followed by modern deep learning. The same holds for the manifold assumption---that similar examples should get the same prediction. In this work, we employ a transductive label propagation method that is based on the manifold assumption to make predictions on the entire dataset and use these predictions to generate pseudo-labels for the unlabeled data and train a deep neural network. At the core of the transductive method lies a nearest neighbor graph of the dataset that we create based on the embeddings of the same network.Therefore our learning process iterates between these two steps. We improve performance on several datasets especially in the few labels regime and show that our work is complementary to current state of the art.
Scene understanding is an important capability for robots acting in unstructured environments. While most SLAM approaches provide a geometrical representation of the scene, a semantic map is necessary for more complex interactions with the surroundings. Current methods treat the semantic map as part of the geometry which limits scalability and accuracy. We propose to represent the semantic map as a geometrical mesh and a semantic texture coupled at independent resolution. The key idea is that in many environments the geometry can be greatly simplified without loosing fidelity, while semantic information can be stored at a higher resolution, independent of the mesh. We construct a mesh from depth sensors to represent the scene geometry and fuse information into the semantic texture from segmentations of individual RGB views of the scene. Making the semantics persistent in a global mesh enables us to enforce temporal and spatial consistency of the individual view predictions. For this, we propose an efficient method of establishing consensus between individual segmentations by iteratively retraining semantic segmentation with the information stored within the map and using the retrained segmentation to re-fuse the semantics. We demonstrate the accuracy and scalability of our approach by reconstructing semantic maps of scenes from NYUv2 and a scene spanning large buildings.
We present a novel cost function for semi-supervised learning of neural networks that encourages compact clustering of the latent space to facilitate separation. The key idea is to dynamically create a graph over embeddings of labeled and unlabeled samples of a training batch to capture underlying structure in feature space, and use label propagation to estimate its high and low density regions. We then devise a cost function based on Markov chains on the graph that regularizes the latent space to form a single compact cluster per class, while avoiding to disturb existing clusters during optimization. We evaluate our approach on three benchmarks and compare to state-of-the art with promising results. Our approach combines the benefits of graph-based regularization with efficient, inductive inference, does not require modifications to a network architecture, and can thus be easily applied to existing networks to enable an effective use of unlabeled data.
While convolutional neural networks need large labeled sets for training images, expert human supervision of such datasets can be very laborious. Proposed solutions propagate labels from a small set of supervised images to a large set of unsupervised ones to obtain sufficient truly-and-artificially labeled samples to train a deep neural network model. Yet, such solutions need many supervised images for validation. We present a loop in which a deep neural network (VGG-16) is trained from a set with more correctly labeled samples along iterations, created by using t-SNE to project the features of its last max-pooling layer into a 2D embedded space in which labels are propagated using the Optimum-Path Forest semi-supervised classifier. As the labeled set improves along iterations, it improves the features of the neural network. We show that this can significantly improve classification results on test data (using only 1% to 5% of supervised samples) of three private challenging datasets and two public ones.