Quantum criticality in Ce$_{1-x}$Sm$_x$CoIn$_5$

Abstract in English

Motivated by the possibility of observing the co-existence between magnetism and unconventional superconductivity in heavy-fermion Ce$_{1-x}$Sm$_x$CoIn$_5$ alloys, we studied how the samarium substitution on the cerium site affects the magnetic field-tuned-quantum criticality of stoicheometric CeCoIn$_5$ by performing specific heat and resistivity measurements. By applying an external magnetic field, we have observed Fermi-liquid to non-Fermi-liquid crossovers in the temperature dependence of the electronic specific heat normalized by temperature and of the resistivity. We obtained the magnetic-field-induced quantum critical point (QCP) by extrapolating to zero temperature the temperature - magnetic field dependence at which the crossovers take place. Furthermore, a scaling analysis of the electronic specific heat is used to confirm the existence of the QCP. We have found that the magnitude of the magnetic-field-induced QCP decreases with increasing samarium concentration. Our analysis of heat capacity and resistivity data reveals a zero-field QCP for $x_textrm{cr} approx 0.15$, which falls inside the region where Sm ions antiferromagnetism and superconductivity co-exist.
